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10 Products You Can Use to Find Your Lost Keys

The basic function of a key finder is to locate misplaced keys. A key tracker fits on the key ring and is a very small tracking device. The average range for mid-tier key tracker is mostly 100 feet. Some of the best products in the market to find your lost key are:

1. Boldguard

This comes in two types- Round Boldguard and Square Boldguard which offers the option to choose between the two. The device needs to kept in close proximity for function. When the device is disconnected you will be informed by the boldguard’s alarm function.

2. TrackR

There are two types of TrackR key finders, TrackR Pixel and the TrackR Bravo. The difference between the two is that TrackR Bravo has a wider diameter and the TrackR Pixel is a bit thicker than the other. TrackR Pixel alarm has 90 decibels and TrackR Bravo alarm has 82 decibels.

3. Legacy Plus

It comes with a range of 164 feet which has the ability to compete with the other products and likewise it attracts more clients. It is quite expensive than other products but it gives much protection to you with a long range and a unique alarm with a beep sound which is more audible in an open environment.

4. Xenzy

It is even much less expensive than E-Byta. It costs you around $5 each. Its design confuses the customer that it would not fit in a key chain but it’s not the truth it comes with lanyards. It comes with a range of 75 feet and it will signal you with a ring that you have misplaced your key somewhere.

5. E-Byta

E-Byta is less expensive option and it comes with 2 trackers. Its battery life is said to last for 6 to 8 months and therefore can be changed when the battery dies. You can also pair the device with a smart device app. The alarms rings when the phone and E-Byta lose their connections. Being a less expensive option it is best as a key finder.

6. Uniclife

Uniclife uses a remote to operate itself and not your smartphone. It provides a long-term warranty and changing the battery is quite simple for the user.

7. Njoii

Njoii has one of the longest battery lives among all the key finders. The battery life is said to last for about 12 to 18 months which itself attracts the customers to choose this key finder. The battery can be changed once dead without any issues and is absolutely water resistance.

8. Pixie

This product is quite beneficial for the iphone users as you can purchase Pixie with iPhone cases that fits the tracker. It also has a pointed arrow feature which will give directions where to go to find your keys. The best and less time-consuming way to find your keys.

9. FindX

RapidX brings us the FindX. It is from a more established brand. It helps you find your keys with a quite huge range and is easy to use.

10. Orbit

It is made up of aluminum. It comes with a unique tool that you used to take the tracker apart. The look of this tracker attracts the customer to buy this instead of others.

As you see, there are numerous varieties of products available in the St. Louis market in order to find your lost keys. Connect with us today at in order to get more information and also to avail the most efficient locksmith services in the area!



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